City of Columbus
The City of Columbus works closely with businesses, residents, and community groups to develop and administer programs that protect our water and stream resources. As one of the few cities in the country with an ISO-certified Environmental Management System, the City is responsible for maintaining water and sewer services to nearly one million residents in Columbus and the surrounding areas. Through robust watershed, stormwater, green infrastructure and sustainability programs, the City works diligently to protect local water resources such as our reservoirs and the Big Darby, Scioto, Olentangy, Alum Creek, and Big Walnut Watersheds.
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City of Delaware
The City of Delaware, Public Utilities Department, is committed to keeping not only the City’s water clean and healthy, but the Olentangy River watershed as well. Annual activities include litter clean-up events, invasive species removal, education and outreach, storm water management, and the Northern Olentangy Watershed (NOW) Festival.
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City of New Albany
New Albany, Ohio, is a master planned community of 10,000 residents located fifteen miles northeast of Columbus, Ohio’s capital city. New Albany’s pastoral setting, timeless architecture and attention to detail offer an exceptional quality of life for its residents. To keep the streams healthy and water clean for the community, New Albany has implemented a Stormwater Management Program focused on education, outreach, onsite controls and monitoring.
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City of Obetz
The Village is Obetz is committed to maintaining the quality of the Big Walnut Creek and its tributaries. The Village of Obetz’ many activities include litter clean-ups, education and outreach, and the preservation of open space along Big Walnut Creek
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City of Reynoldsburg
The City of Reynoldsburg storm water utility was created to provide a team of workers dedicated to the maintenance of the City’s storm sewer system and the waterways in the City. The Utility was expanded to meet the Ohio EPA mandate to reduce the environmental impact of storm water runoff from the City, through public education and direct intervention.
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City of Upper Arlington
The City of Upper Arlington is a first-ring, primarily residential suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 1918, and just under 10 square miles in size, Upper Arlington is called home by more than 34,000 residents, with multiple generations of the same family to be found in close proximity to each other. They value its strong sense of tradition and community, excellent school system, beautiful neighborhoods with mature street trees, an extensive and well-used network of community parks and the many exceptional safety and City services that are provided.
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Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
The Zoo has water conservation messages in areas throughout the Zoo including Manatee Coast, Discovery Reef, and the Shores Play Park. The Zoo supports conservation efforts locally including regular shoreline clean-ups, promotion of local conservation organizations during Earth Day at the Zoo, and support of local conservation efforts including work to restablish and protect hellbenders and freshwater mussels.
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Del-Co Water
Del-Co Water Company, Inc. is a non-profit public drinking water system that provides quality drinking water to seven counties (Delaware, Morrow, Marion, Knox, Franklin, Union, and Crawford) serving a population of 150,000. Del-Co Water is committed to protecting and monitoring the Olentangy, Scioto, and Alum Creek Watersheds as well as promoting conservation and water quality awareness through public education and outreach.
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Delaware Soil Water Conservation District (Delaware SWCD)
Delaware SWCD brings people, government agencies and private interests together to manage the natural resources and environmental challenges of Delaware County and the state of Ohio. Services and programs are provided for agricultural lands, residential services, education and outreach, stormwater management and drainage maintenance.
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Franklin County Economic Development and Planning (FCEDP)
FCEDP provides leadership and oversight to community planning, development plan review, construction site management, and zoning with a focus on stream protection and water quality protection. FCEDP also partners with the County Stormwater Partnership and Franklin SWCD to provide conservation assistance and eduction to the general public.
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Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (Franklin SWCD)
Franklin SWCD services include plan reviews, construction site inspections, stream mapping and watershed analysis, water quality monitoring, conservation demonstrations, conservation easements, landowner assistance, workshops and trainings, youth education and stormwater program assistance. Outreach programs include community backyards rebate program, gardening for clean water program, and get grassy lawn care campaign.
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Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW)
FLOW is a community led non-profit dedicated to increase awareness and protection of the Olentangy River. FLOW has an active membership with regulars meetings, presentations and opportunities to volunteer. Activities include annual tree giveaways, landowners toolkit, and frequent stream clean-ups, tree plantings and invasive removal events.
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Knox Soil Water Conservation District (Knox SWCD)
The Knox SWCD assists farmers and landowners with projects on their property which improve natural resources management. Knox SWCD provides programs such as conservation planning, manure nutrient management, ground water protection, equipment rentals, tree sale, youth educaiton and public events.
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Licking Soil and Water Conservation District
Licking County SWCD is a self-governing body that works to conserve land, soil, water, and other related resources for the health and well-being of all. LSWCD provides this through local leadership, education and technical assistance with expertise in land preservation, environmental education, survey and design, construction oversight, and much more.
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Madison Soil Water Conservation District (Madison SWCD)
The Madison Soil and Water Conservation District was organized in January 1947, for the purpose of conserving and developing its natural resources through conservation best management practices. The District is administered by a board of five locally elected supervisors that live within Madison County. The major goals of Madison Soil and Water are to design and implement conservation programs that help conserve our natural resources. These goals are achieved by providing landowners with financial, technical, and educational assistance.
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The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission is a voluntary association of Central Ohio governments and regional organizations. MORPC facilitates the Central Ohio Water Resources Working Group, a body of subject experts and interested stakeholders, guided by a mission to improve and protect water quality and conserve water resources through education, policies, and regional planning and collaboration.
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Morrow Soil Water Conservation District (Morrow SWCD)
The Morrow SWCD is a public subdivision of the state assigned under law to the task of protecting and improving the soil, water, and related natural resources of Morrow County. Morrow SWCD services include agriculture conservation practices and public events.
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Olentangy Watershed Alliance
OWA serves to inspire appreciation and stewardship of the Upper Olentangy River and its watershed. They also encourage the responsible use and stewardship of the Olentangy River Watershed by partnering with local communities and stakeholders while providing public outreach and citizen opportunity to enhance and preserve the watersheds natural integrity, biodiversity, water quality, scenic beauty, and recreational value. OWA provides opportunities for volunteer and citizen involvement through tree plantings, invasive species removal, watershed clean-ups, water quality monitoring, educational programming and events.
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Ohio Water Resources Center
Currently, Ohio WRC activities focus around the issues of algal blooms and nutrients, the water and energy nexus, and nutrient removal technologies. Ohio WRC directors and associate director are active participants in many important local and national organizations that deal with water issues research, education and policy decisions. In addition to supporting research, the Ohio WRC helps to organize and hosts a variety of water-related seminars, conferences and outreach programs. Ohio WRC's community outreach efforts to the younger generations include sponsorship of the Ohio Water Education Program and Project WET, and participation in the Central Ohio Children's Water Festival.
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Pickaway Soil Water Conservation District (Pickaway SWCD)
Pickaway SWCD provides conservation and environmental assistance to landowners and farmers in Pickaway County to protect and preserve natural resources. Pickaway SWCD also provides education and outreach to youth and adults in the county through school programs, community events, our quarterly newsletter, etc.
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Union Soil Water Conservation District (Union SWCD)
The Union SWCD promotes the conservation and development of natural resources throughout the county by assisting landowners with the planning and implementation of conservation practices. Union SWCD also provides public education resouces for schools and events including the Enviroscape watershed model, ground water simulator model, stream water monitoring; and hands on stream table.
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Solid Waste Authority of Columbus Ohio (SWACO)
SWACO provides programs and resources that combat illegal dumping and littering on the land or in streams through the administration of the Environmental Crimes Task Force, mobile collection events for Household Hazardous Waste and Pharmaceutical Drugs, and a Reuse and Recycling Search Tool. SWACO also supports a number of educational activities for composting, recycling, reuse and reducing waste.
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