Be the Change for Clean Water

Plant Native Plants & Remove Invasive Plants Message Toolkit

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Add a pop of color to your yard! Going native can save money and time over non-native plants, while also providing needed nutrients for butterflies and insects to feed baby birds. Even better, deep roots of native plants break clay soil to soak up more rain and protect streams by preventing erosion. Non-native invasive plants displace or crowd native plants. Invasive plants impact wildlife, which rely on native plants for food, shelter, and habitat. Not all non-native plants are invasive. About 900 non-native species grow in Ohio and fewer than 100 of them are considered invasive. Consult with your local SWCD or OSU Extension office for more information on removing invasive plants from your land.

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Other Resources 

Ohio Invasive Plant Council (OIPC)
Provides lists of invasive species and native plant replacements

Central Ohio Partnership Regional Invasive Species Management (COPRISM)
A newer group that is focused on identifying, preventing and removing invasive plants, assisting invasive species policy management, outreach and education and more!

Ohio Native Plant Month
April is designated as Ohio Native Plant Month. Connect 

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